What’s new in PHP 8

After a lot of to-ing and fro-ing as to when PHP 8 would be released, the developers have now announced that November 26th, 2020 is the date we’re waiting for.

The new version of PHP is expected to come with some new features that offer web developers many additional possibilities.

JIT Compiler, JSON extension always activated, Union Types, Static return type, WeakMap, Use ::class for objects, Stringable interface, Convert DateTime, Type annotations, Type errors…

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Fixing postfix and saslauthd: cannot connect to saslauthd

If you are having issues getting postfix email server to authenticate with saslauthd, your solution might be found in a missing symlink. Remember that postifx runs in a chroot environment. Continue reading “Fixing postfix and saslauthd: cannot connect to saslauthd”

PHP list() and Shorthand for Array Destructuring

PHP construct list() or its shorthand can be useful in many cases. It can be very useful to use it with PHP functions that returns arrays. Supun Kavinda have interesting article about.

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25+ JavaScript Shorthand Coding Techniques

This really is a must read for any JavaScript developer. Michael Wanyoike, Sam Deering have written this guide to shorthand JavaScript coding techniques that they have picked up over the years. To help you understand what is going on, they have included the longhand versions to give some coding perspective.

This really is a must read for any JavaScript developer. Michael Wanyoike, Sam Deering have written this guide to shorthand JavaScript coding techniques that they have picked up over the years. To help you understand what is going on, they have included the longhand versions to give some coding perspective.

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Otkriveni propusti u Intelovim čipovima i čipovima drugih proizvođača

Ozbiljni sigurnosni propusti na računarskim procesorima Intela i drugih proizvođača čipova mogli bi da omoguće zloupotrebe lozinki i drugih osetljivih podataka iz memorije sistema, saopštili su stručnjaci tehnološke kompanije Gugl. Continue reading “Otkriveni propusti u Intelovim čipovima i čipovima drugih proizvođača”

Scanning for malware with Linux Malware Detect (LMD)

Linux Malware Detect (LMD), also known as Maldet, is a malware scanner for Linux released under the GNU GPLv2 license. It is particularly effective for the detection of php backdoors, darkmailers and many other malicious files that can be uploaded on a compromised website. It will help you do detect infected websites and clean the infection, however securing the compromised user or website is still necessary to avoid re-infection. Continue reading “Scanning for malware with Linux Malware Detect (LMD)”

HowTo: Save A File In Vim / Vi Without Root Permission

This happens lot of times. I login as a normal user and start to edit httpd.conf or lighttpd.conf or named.conf in vim / vi text editor. However, I’m not able to save changes due to permission issue (all config files are owned by root). How do I save file without creating a temporary file (/tmp/httpd.conf) and then move the same (mv /tmp/httpd.conf /etc/httpd) as root using vim / vi itself? Continue reading “HowTo: Save A File In Vim / Vi Without Root Permission”

Fond za razvoj spiskao milijardu evra? Samo?!

Ponekad mrzim kada ispadne da sam bio u pravu. Najnoviji primer jeste dokazano ponašanje “Fonda za razvoj”. Razvoj čega?

Naime, u članku “Stručnost Fonda za razvoj” osvrnuo sam se na metode prilikom raspoređivanja sredstava, kao i sam način kako da neko konkuriše za ova sredstva.

Kasnije sam saznao da je nekim firmama bio dovoljan faks upućen prema ovom fondu, a mnogima nisu pomagali ni skupi elaborati…

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Da li se (i kome) isplati preprodaja (nacionalnih) domena?

Prvi avgust bio je važan datum za kompanije JAT Airways i Etihad: predstavljen je novi naziv kompanije JAT – Air Serbia, kao i vizuelni identitet. Osvrnuli smo se odmah na veb adresu koju će kompanija koristiti, i činjenicu da nacionalni avio prevoznik, po svemu sudeći, nema i nacionalni domen. Adresa airserbia.rs je zauzeta još od 2008. godine, a u međuvremenu od četvrtka do sada je neko kupio i air-serbia.rs. No, koja prava ima ova, i svaka druga domaća kompanija, u vezi sa nazivom svoje firme i posedovanjem odgovarajućih domena?

air-serbia-cover-700x325 Continue reading “Da li se (i kome) isplati preprodaja (nacionalnih) domena?”

Install Nemo File Manager in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring/12.10 Quantal

Nemo is a complete fork of Nautilus and its goal is to extend the Cinnamon user experience to desktop and file management. Nemo has features like: compact view, all desktop icons, etc.. which are missing in Nautilus 3.6 version, Open in terminal and open as root, File operation progress while copy/move files shows percentage and details, Has nice GTK bookmarks management, up/forward/back and refresh buttons, Nice proper status bar, better search, better widgets and many more.

cinnamon nemo

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